Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wonderful Snow

So as many of you know I absolutely love the snow! And for any of you who have been watching the news you know that Ogden has been getting it’s fair share and I’m not going to lie- I am in heaven. I pretty much get butterflies every time is snows. One day about a foot just dropped out of the sky while I was at school. Everyone was digging out their cars and the roads were terrible. I couldn’t drive to work so I went snowboarding instead with my friend Jon who works at the rental shop. We went night skiing and enjoyed about 20in. of new powder. It was so fun!

One downside to all the snow is our driveway. As I mentioned in an earlier post- it is a beast! It is a semi circle- so it’s extra long and on a hill. Shoveling it is quite the task (Shout out to everyone that has helped me shovel it- Thanks!) Good thing I have 4 wheel drive or I wouldn’t make it up sometimes. The day it snowed so much Maranda’s car got stuck in the driveway. It was barely off the street and she didn’t have to go anywhere so we left it buried for a few days. Here are some pictures of us digging it out. (Yeah, that’s our driveway!)

Another fun snow adventure was when I went home before school started Bryan had built a snow cave in our backyard. He snowblowed all of the snow in our backyard into one enormous pile. The night that I got home he suited me up in some hideous snow pants and we tromped out to look at it. It was way cool and actually quite big! There is one spot that you can sit up in and if you were laying down you could fix 6 people in there probably! The next day I helped him dig out the floor a little more and soon found out I was grateful I wasn’t there to help with the whole thing, it was hard work and way cold!

Oh, yeah- totally Hott! Where did he even find these? I apologize if any of you are currently sporting these pants, I'm sure they look better on you!

Can I just say one more time I love the snow?!?! Here is a picture of the trees across from our house, I had to snap a shot because they were so beautiful! Snow is just...magical. I'm in love.


One Awesome Girlie! said...

oh molly...i love reading all of your great stories! You couldn't have a bigger blog fan than myself! Love you to pieces and then some!

Kristine said...

I got your blog address from Christie, and I have LOVED reading about what you are up to. You are the best storyteller! Just letting you know I started a blog. It's Hope that you are staying warm in this crazy weather!

Anna said...

His snow cave has gotten even bigger... When it was the same size we actually fit 7 people into it lying down. We had a movie night and he told us we had to see how many of us would fit. In reality we could have fit 8 or 9 people in there.