Saturday, January 5, 2008

Wizards in Winter

Well, Christmas is over and New Year too! I hope you all had a fabulous holiday! Mine was so much fun, I got to spend a week at home and it was a blast. Bryan, my youngest brother who is 15 now, and I decided to make up a dance, mainly just because it would be fun. It is to "Wizards in Winter" by the Trans-Siberian Orchestra. We worked on it for a week and then performed it at our family party. It's not perfect by far but we are pretty proud of it and it’s pretty funny and he posted it on youtube so here is the link so you can watch it! My mom is convinced that we’re going to be famous. Ha ha!


Heather said...

The dance is awesome! I am very impressed! The Darth Tater Shirts were a great costuming scheme! I guess we'll be seeing you on dancing with the stars!

Jennifer said...

Hey Molly! Heather sent me your blog and it is hilarious. I'm excited to keep up with what you are doing. Loved the dance!