Tuesday, October 28, 2008

New Rommates

With moving also comes new roommates. Unfortunately it has taken me so long to post that I have already lost Camary, cause she moved back to Canada yesterday and we are feeling her loss already. But I’m still living with Chirsty and we are looking forward to a new girl moving in this week. So a little about Camary and Christy, they love to have fun and be silly and they love organic food! They were both on vacation when I moved in and as I started to move my food into the kitchen I noticed that there was no other food in the house, just vitamins and protein drinks. Now part of this was because they did go on vacation for 2 weeks and hadn’t left much food. But I joked with my mom about meeting these new roommates and what I was in store for. I told her I felt like I was sneaking food into fat camp by moving all my super non-organic food into the house. But all has turned out well and I am happy to report that they eat food, even if it’s organic M&Ms (which are called sundrops!) :)

So we decided that we had to have a roommate initiation night so we could all play together and get to know each other better. So… our night consisted of going to a dollar store and buying 3 of something (we got carried away and did 3 things) so that we would all have something the same to start our roommate time together. The adventure at the store was great all of us shopping and trying to hide everything from each other as we pick out our goods.
Then we had a great gift giving ceremony when we got home. Complete with music and dancing around and playing with every gift as we got it! The gifts were fabulous, they included dart guns (which started a war), boxers, glass goblets, pom poms, and my own special touch… safety goggles. We had a blast opening and playing with all of our gifts. Here are a few pictures from the fun night…
Me, Christy, and Camary
Posing with our bags of gifts
Celebrating with out new toys!

After we finished with our gifts we went out dancing. Here we are all dressed up in our dancing outfits.

And here we are ready for church the next day. As you can tell they are both way more fashionable that I am and I’m hoping that some of this fashion sense will rub off on me from osmosis. Love you girls!

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